domenica 28 novembre 2010

Transizione: Vecchi signori

József Rippl-Rónai: Mio padre e lo zio Piacsek con vino rosso, 1907

«Byale (Biała Podlaska, provincia di Lublino), 1926. Padre e figlio. Per proteggersi dal Male,
Leyzer Bawół, il fabbro non mi dirà quanti anni ha, ma deve essere più di cento. Ormai
suo figlio continua il mestiere, e il vecchio è diventato un medico. Mette
a posto braccia e gambe rotte.» Foto di Alter Kacyzne

sabato 14 agosto 2010

Scrittura di luce

lunedì 12 luglio 2010


Maiorca e le Isole Baleariche dall’Atlante di Janssonius

Odysseus Elytis: Ο Ήλιος ο Ηλιάτορας
(The Sovereign Sun). Music by Dimitris Lagios, sung by Giorgos Dalaras (1982). First piece: The Song of the Sun

Εσείς στεριές και θάλασσες
τ' αμπέλια κι οι χρυσές ελιές

ακούτε τα χαμπέρια μου
μέσα στα μεσημέρια μου

«Σ' όλους τους τόπους κι αν γυρνώ
μόνον ετούτον αγαπώ!»

Από τη μέση του εγκρεμού
στη μέση του αλλού πελάγου

«Σ' όλους τους τόπους κι αν γυρνώ
μόνον ετούτον αγαπώ!»

Με τα μικρά χαμίνια του
καβάλα στα δελφίνια του

με τις κοπέλες τις γυμνές
που καίγονται στις αμμουδιές

«Σ' όλους τους τόπους κι αν γυρνώ
μόνον ετούτον αγαπώ!»

You rocks and seas
vines and golden olives

hear my word
as I follow my course:

I turn above all places
but I love this only one!

At the middle of the universe
among all the islands of the sea

I turn above all places
but I love this only one!

With its little rascals
riding on dolphins

with its nude girls
laying on the seashore:

I turn above all places
but I love this only one!
The City
The old Palma in the Escalas photos
The first velocipede in MallorcaThe Born promenade and Edison’s voiceColumns of the mosque
The Arabitch Bath
The Jewish quarter
L’«orologio degli ebrei» sulla facciata del municipio (es)
Patios of Palma
Electri city
Doors of La Calatrava
Library of La Real
Rodin in Mallorca
The dragon of Mrs. Coc
Hidden dragons
Double-tailed plot
Biblioteca de Babel:
The house of my friend

Wang Wei looks out
of his studio

Snowfall in Palma
Restaurant Las Olas
The Basque restaurant Bodega Santurce
Bull’s tail
El Molinar neighborhood
Milenium bicycle shop
Amor en Palma
St. Anthony blessing the animals, 2009
Sant’Antonio benedice gli animali, 2014
La processione dei demoni nel giorno di Sant’Antonio
On St. Sebastian’s feast
Sausage roasting on St. Sebastian’s day
Erasmus and St. Christopher
Yin-yang of St. Nicholas
Roman and Chinese flowers in Mallorca
Palma International
Holy Week in Palma
Processione di Venerdì Santo
Palma’s concrete coasts
Martian chronicles
After the feast

The Islands
Cabras, dragones, liebres
Sailing to Cabrera
Cabrera: the way to the peak
Serra de ses Figueres
The Western Mountains
Golden apples
More golden apples
Pebbles of Port d’es Canonge
The Governor’s Turn
The Postman’s Path
The Ermita de la Trinitat
The cats of the Tower
of the Souls

Spring in San Telmo
Sacred mountain

Chapel of Sant Llorenç

The Eastern Hills
and the Plains

Arab wine from Butibalausí
Fires of St. Anthony
The Albufera
Choking ants’ nests
Some more Pollença
Sineu, Chinese colony
Sineu, Beijing time
Giants in Santanyí
Algaida, dance on the
feast of St. James’

Llucmajor, roof tiles
Hermit cats
Seashore of Ses Covetes

the rest
Journey to Mallorca, January 2014
The first olive oil from Mallorca
Nokia box and Cola Cao
Absurd poetry of the Balearic Government
“Balearic languages”
The beginnings of book printing in Mallorca
Goose Game 1652
Playing with bones
Memory of James the Conqueror
Rolevinck’ Fasciculus temporum
The demon of speed
Sea for sale. Llonovoy
Portuguese dance

View Poemas del Río Wang in a larger map

martedì 4 maggio 2010


omnis mundi creatura
quasi liber et pictura
nobis est et speculum

del mondo ogni creatura
è un libro e una pittura
e uno specchio per noi

Alanus ab Insulis

Space for flying
God-bird 1
God-bird 2
God-bird 3
Chinese magpies
Persian thrust in Budapest
Uccello armeno a Venezia
canari bird in London
Owl above the olive trees
Waiting for you, comrade bird

Sephardic nightingales
Singing for the second time
Singing for the third time
The prisoner’s romance
The zorzal
Morning bird

il gallo
The rooster is crowing
Crowing for the second time

il corvo
Grow a crow

il piccione
Piccione urbano a Praga

la farfalla
Heavenly and earthly love

la tigre
Tiger’s Year in Budapest
Paper tiger

i dodici animali
The great circle of time
Circular time
il cane
Dogs of God
The Trastevere’s dog
Lupus in tabula
Dogs of Sant Antoni
Sailor dogs
Semiramis’ dogs
Estonian military dogs
Dog on board
Frat dogs of Istanbul
Double-tailed dogs in Palma

Bear cub
Bear hunting
Hunter’s equipment
The bear fires back
Bear ceremony in Moscow
Wandering bear
The Bear King
Little and Great Bear
Wine to the Two Bears
The two envious bear cubs
The Hungarian and his bear
Bear cave
Fox Tale

il lione
The educated lion
Lioness in Odesa
The lion’s tail
Double-tailed lion

e l’agnello
Agnus Dei

capre del mondo!
Mallorca, West
Mallorca, North
Mallorca, South
The Holy Land
The Goat Island


la scimmia
Monkey’s love
Kill King Kong!

la volpe
Fox Tale
The fox and the cheese
The fox and the mouse
il gatto
Hero cats of Leningrad
The Muromtsev Dacha
Cat funerals
Chinese cats
Cats in Mallorca
Cat in Cantabria
Argentine cats
The Cat Bride
Man with a Cat
The wind-swept spirit
Il pianeta dei gatti

il coniglio
Rabbit in the moon
Year of the rabbit

Czech elephant
Chinese elephant
Argentine elephant
Portuguese elephant
Nazi elephant

il rinoceronte
0. Rhinocerology
1. The Pope’s rhinoceros
2. Rhino on the reverse
3. The first litter
4. The truth suppressed
5. A distant relative

il drago/serpente/coccodrillo
Dragon invasion
Hidden dragons
Terra Sancta
Dragon anatomy
Il serpente sugli affissi politici
Il dragone di Shaun Tan a Venezia

il pesce
Little and big fishes
The big fish

la balena
Leviathan, or, The whale

il mostro
Pantagruel’s monsters
The monster of Anatolia

la formica
Ant marries

il grillo/la cavalletta
Like the cicada
Winter grasshoppers

Apotheosis of the bookworm